Sunday, October 01, 2006

When it rains, it pours!

WOW! It's been a while since i have been on here and actually written something...need to find the time to update this more often....and that brings me to this...

I happen to accept two job opportunities this weekend, brining me to working almost 7 days a week and going to school full time. Excited and apprehensive about it, but looking forward to it. Start working here this week:

which i'm excited the opportunity to spruce up my wardrobe and work with some great people...and the following week i get to start here:

There is a new location opening up in Burnaby on Nov. 15th, but in the mean time i get to work at the Coq. store. Very excited to teach and be apart of the training clinics and Running club...can't wait to put my Kinesiology to use :)

I'm also in the process of setting up a buisness....(i know i'm crazy) but i got the opportunity to sell my cards in a great shop in New West so I thought i would give it a try. Totally over whelmed with it, but looking forward to it. So if anyone has any great ideas on a name for my company, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (seeing as I am a little busy and pre- occupied)

Also, a BIG congrats to Jenn (and of course Jim) for her recent amazing news!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to the grind

I would of thought just having left school that starting again 3 weeks later would be easy, but it's not. This will be day #2 of what may be a long three and half i'm gonna need to find some sort of "method" to make this semester go by a little easier. Didn't really feel like much of a summer, besides the weather :)

Had some time to play with some stuff before i started school (seeing as i may not get much time to do this stuff) to play with some new basic grey in a color that i wouldn't normally scrap with, PINK (but i just had to for Shannon).

Monday, August 14, 2006

A little birdie...

...told me that it was time to post some of my LO's. My goal is to try (key work here is TRY) and use up some of this ridicuouls stash before I buy any of the new stuff that is out there, but it's hard and very tempting...until next time, this is what I've had in the working....

Friday, August 11, 2006

And I'm DONE :)

Well at least for now....running on ONE whole hour of sleep...silly me always leaves the HUGE papers for the night before they are due, so its my own fault! Have some time to breathe until I start in 3 weeks or so, but i'll by enjoying while I can.

Totally spur of the moment (well I had been "thinking" of it for a while) but I got my nosed pierced today...have to say it didn't feel so hot, but i'm told to give it a couple of days until the throbbing stops.

Just read my dear friend Jenn's blog and can relate to the over whelming and embarrassing amount of "stock pile" I have here or scrapping stuff that NEEDS to be used. So now that I have some time on my hands I can put some it to use. Ive been told to post some of my LO's so I promise I will :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A sigh of relief

I can breathe a momentary sigh of relief until next week! Finished one more semester of my darn undergrad (which seems to be taking forever) today. Excited, overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated all at once...have a big week of studying and writing papers ahead of me then i can really breathe relief after next Wednesday. Looking forward to a few weeks of somewhat "freedom" until i start again and hopefully for my LAST semester, but who knows.

Speaking of school...i'm looking forward to a "little chat" with one of my favorite professors next week to some future direction for the rest of my life. Never really took into consideration (well i knew it would come to this point sooner or later) that i might have to figure out what i want to do with the rest of my life. Totally completley overwhelmed and frustrated with it all, feel very lost in the whole process. I need one of those "EUREKA" moments to come to me and make it all clear or someone just point me in the right direction and tell me to go for it :)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Making Progress

I'm slowly making progress on this silly thing...little by little! Don't hesitate to fire any suggestions or constructive feedback my way.

Got Ali's new AMAZING book today...can't put the darn thing down.

This is short and sweet...feeling a little inspired right now and gonna put it on paper before I forget :)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Well it's a start

Well I finally dived into to the "blogging world"... lets just see if I can keep it up :)

You would think I would have lots to post on here for my first time, but i'm stuck! Oh well, it can be random...

Went to the most gorgeous wedding on the weekend and managed to make this a few hours before I went. Really happy the way it turned out! If anyone is in need for a wedding guestbook you know where to find me :)